Special tools
- Camshaft alignment tool – BMW No.11 8 760.
- Crankshaft holding tool – BMW No.11 4 320.
- Crankshaft pulley turning tool – BMW No.11 6 480.
- Flywheel/drive plate timing pin – BMW No.11 5 320.
- High-pressure fuel pump sprocket removal tool – BMW No.11 8 740.
- Tensioner locking pin – BMW No.11 3 340.
General precautions
- Disconnect battery earth lead.
- Remove glow plugs to ease turning engine.
- Turn engine in normal direction of rotation (unless otherwise stated).
- Observe tightening torques.
- If fitted: Mark position of crankshaft position (CKP) sensor before removal.
- Do NOT turn crankshaft via camshaft or other sprockets.
- Do NOT turn crankshaft or camshaft with timing chain removed.
Valve timing procedures

- Removal/installation of timing chain requires:
- Engine removal.
- Cylinder head removal.
- Oil pump chain removal.
- Sump removal.
NOTE: Timing chains located at rear of engine.
- Engine at TDC on No.1 cylinder.
- Ensure camshaft lobes positioned as shown [1] .
- Insert flywheel/drive plate timing pin [2] .
- Ensure timing marks on rear of camshaft gears aligned [3] .
- Install camshaft alignment tool [4] .
- Ensure camshaft alignment tool abuts cylinder head.
- Remove secondary timing chain tensioner [5] .
NOTE: If chain tensioner is to be re-used it must be drained of oil. Compress plunger slowly twice.
- Slacken camshaft sprocket bolts [6] .
- Remove camshaft sprocket.
- Remove camshaft carrier assembly.
- Remove cylinder head.
- Remove secondary timing chain tensioner rail and chain.
- Install crankshaft holding tool [7] . Secure tool with bolt [8] .
- Slacken high-pressure fuel pump sprocket bolt [9] .
- Remove high-pressure fuel pump sprocket. Use high-pressure fuel pump sprocket removal tool.
- Compress primary timing chain tensioner and lock with pin [10] .
- Remove primary timing chain tensioner [11] .
- Remove primary timing chain guide and tensioner rail.
- Remove crankshaft holding tool [7] .
- Remove high-pressure fuel pump sprocket complete with primary timing chain.
- Fit primary timing chain to crankshaft sprocket.
- Install crankshaft holding tool [7] . Secure tool with bolt [8] .
- Crankshaft position set at 45° ATDC No.1 cylinder.
- Ensure groove on high-pressure fuel pump shaft aligned with lug on timing case [12] .
- Install high-pressure fuel pump sprocket.
- Ensure timing mark on high-pressure fuel pump sprocket aligned with lug on timing case [13] .
- Tighten high-pressure fuel pump sprocket bolt [9] . Tightening torque: 65 Nm.
- Install primary timing chain guide and tensioner rail.
- Install primary timing chain tensioner [11] .
- Remove tensioner locking pin [10] .
- Install secondary timing chain tensioner rail.
- Install secondary timing chain.
- Remove crankshaft holding tool [7] .
- Install oil pump chain.
- Fit timing chain cover and flywheel.
- Turn crankshaft anti-clockwise 45°.
- Insert flywheel/drive plate timing pin [2] .
- Install cylinder head.
- Ensure timing marks on rear of camshaft gears aligned [3] .
- Install camshaft carrier assembly.
- Install camshaft alignment tool [4] .
- Install camshaft sprocket.
- Temporarily tighten camshaft sprocket bolts [6] . Tightening torque: 10 Nm.
- Slacken camshaft sprocket bolts 90° [6] .
- Install secondary timing chain tensioner [5] . Tightening torque: 70 Nm.
- Tighten camshaft sprocket bolts [6] . Tightening torque: 15 Nm.
- Remove special tools [2] & [4] .
- Turn crankshaft two turns clockwise.
- Insert flywheel/drive plate timing pin [2] .
- Ensure timing marks on camshaft gears aligned [3] .
- Ensure camshaft alignment tool abuts cylinder head [4] .
- Remove special tools [2] & [4] .